by | Aug 15, 2019 | Pain Management, Wisdom Teeth
Dry socket is a condition professionally referred to as “alveolar osteitis”, and it is one of the possible complications that can occur after a tooth is extracted. It is actually a fairly rare condition, with only 20% of wisdom tooth removal patients...
by | Sep 22, 2017 | Wisdom Teeth
Over the years opinions have gone back and forth over the pros and cons of having wisdom teeth removed. Hossein Ghaeminia of Radboud University will receive his PhD for his current research into problem-free wisdom teeth. He undertook a systematic review of all of the...
by | Mar 25, 2016 | Wisdom Teeth
Most people start getting their wisdom teeth, also called third molars, when they reach their late teens or early 20’s. In most cases, the jaws are not large enough to accommodate these teeth and they remain under the gum, or impacted. When a tooth develops, it...
by | Jun 24, 2014 | News & Events, Wisdom Teeth
Research is making strides every day for the use of stem cells in assisting with many medical conditions. Adult stem cells can generate a range of cell types that can grow into any type of cell in the human body, and can be used to naturally repair your body and treat...
by | Aug 31, 2013 | IV Sedation, Wisdom Teeth
September is around the corner, and summer has flown by – did you forget to make an appointment for removal of wisdom teeth? It’s not too late to look ahead in your schedule and plan now for times when students are on break. The optimal time to remove wisdom teeth is...