by | Apr 30, 2020 | General, News & Events
We are learning more about this virus every day, and our office is staying updated to be on the forefront. Some questions have been brought up recently, and Dr. Adam Ozment has provided the answers below in an interview. Are your offices open? Yes, our offices have...
by | Jul 19, 2019 | Body Health, General, News & Events
There has been a lot of research in the past few years regarding gum disease and its relationship to many illnesses, including heart disease and cancer. Brushing your teeth and maintaining health gums has been linked to overall body health, and goes well beyond simply...
by | Nov 29, 2018 | General, Oral Health
Have you noticed a burning sensation in your mouth, something that is not due to scalding your mouth on a hot drink or piece of hot pizza? Burning Mouth Syndrome, or BMS, can affect the tongue, roof of the mouth, insides of cheeks, gums and lips. The burning or...
by | Mar 21, 2018 | Continuing Education, General
Nanotechnology is the branch of technology that deals with manipulating atoms and molecules. The American Chemical Society has reported on a pre-clinical study that shows promise for patients undergoing oral surgery. The study shows a reduction in pain and recovery...
by | Feb 12, 2018 | General
Do you grind your teeth at night? Grinding and clenching during sleep is known as bruxism, and can cause damage to the teeth and jaw. Many patients with this condition wear a mouth guard at night for protection, but headaches and aching jaws are often symptoms that...
by | Jul 31, 2017 | General
In our last blog article, we looked at the balance of healthy bacteria in the mouth, or the “oral microbiome”, and its relationship to diabetes. Today we focus on another common disease, Rheumatoid Arthritis, or RA, and the fact that this condition also causes...